دانلود پاورپوینت بیماری‌های cucumber

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پاورپوینت بیماری‌های cucumber

دانلود پاورپوینت بیماری‌های cucumber  قسمتی از اسلاید متن پاورپوینت :  تعداد اسلاید : 20 اسلاید عنوانبیماری‌های cucumber Powdery Mildew caused by the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum, affects cucumber, muskmelon, pumpkin, and squash. It is caused by a fungus that appears as a white powdery growth on leaves. Crown leaves are affected first and may wither and die. The fungus can be introduced on greenhouse-grown plants or by wind from areas with relatively warm winter climate where the fungus can over-winter. Disease development is favored by high temperatures. Downy Mildew on cucumber and muskmelon is caused by the fungus Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Irregularly shaped yellowish to brown spots appear on upper sides of leaves, usually at the center of plants. Under moist conditions, a purplish mildew develops on the underside of leaf spots. Leaves die as spots increase in size. Spread is rapid from the crown toward new growth. The causal fungus overwinters in areas with a relatively warm climate and can be intr ...

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